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Parity Bit
An element added for let the parity of bars odd or even.

Parity Check
In many barcode except EAN, black bar module must be odd or even by adding a parity bit. Parity check is, to prevent misreading by checking its odd/even at each character.

Print Contrast Signal. The reflection ratio of the printing color.
PCS = (Rw - Rb) / Rw

Rw = reflection ratio of the white bar
Rb = reflection ratio of the black bar
The minimum value of PCS differs by the value of Rw
(reflection rate in this case is against red light at 660 nanometer wave length.) (See MRD)

Price Look Up. Ordinately, the price information is not shown in the source marked barcodes. The sales price, of the same product, often changes by retails, or by seasons; so it includes only the information of the product itself. The sales prices are enterred to the store controller, and when the product information is in/out-put at POS Register, simultaneously, the information of the Price (of sales) is Looked Up from the store controller. PLU is the name for such barcodes (See NON-PLU)

Point of Sale. The information management at the point of sale.
At the point of reading the barcode of sales product at the POS register in the shop, by the computer processing, sales staffs can process the cash flow, of course, exchange the stock files, and any other information related to the sales management.

Originally means the prefix in grammatical use; in case of EAN symbol, because the 12 digits expressed by the bar is not enough, it expresses an extra digit added to the 12-digit, by the combination of the odd/even parities in the left six characters The combination of O(dd)/E(ven) for expressing the prefix is as follows:
0 = O - O - O - O - O - O
1 = O - O - E - O - E - E
2 = O - O - E - E - O - E
3 = O - O - E - E - E - O
4 = O - E - O - O - E - E
5 = O - E - E - O - O - E
6 = O - E - E - E - O - O
7 = O - E - O - E - O - E
8 = O - E - O - E - E - O
9 = O - E - E - O - E - O
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